St. John the Baptist

Stewardship Financial Commitment

Your Stewardship provides the foundation for our Parish Ministries and our efforts in meeting the challenges of spreading Christ's Word through our Orthodox Faith.  Please take time to make your Stewardship Commitment today and enable our Church to grow her ministries and carry on her mission.




Frequently Asked Questions about Stewardship:

Q: How much should I give?

The foundations of Christian stewardship is Scriptural, spiritual and relational , with tithing referring to the biblical giving standard of 10% of your household income to your local church (Lev. 27:30). Yet, our Lord teaches that true giving is when we offer sacrificially “all that we have” (Luke 21:4), to “store up your treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:20). Thus, we are invited to prayerfully reflect on our own household income, and make our sacrificial offering based on what we have received and been blessed with. We also understand that families give to multiple charities/non-profits as well, so some families might consider a half (5%) or quarter (2.5%) tithe. Use the graph below as a guide. Consider also what we offer to our Church compared to other monthly utility/service payments:

“Am I giving my cell phone or internet company more than my Church?”

Stewardship Giving Guideline (this guide is only meant as a tool for your own use)

Annual Household Income:






2.5% giving (annual total)






5% giving (annual total)






10% giving (annual total)






Q: Is there a difference between “dues” & “stewardship”?

A: Yes! Some generations ago, it was commonplace for families in our Archdiocese to pay annual “dues” or a required membership “fee” to be a member of their local parish. It became clear this was not the healthiest way of committing to a local church, as giving remained stagnant and the authentic Christian commitment of sacrificial giving became an afterthought. (NOTE: the annual “dues” of $300-350 back then would equate to roughly $2,500-$3,000 today) Stewardship, however, offers us the chance to recognize our unique blessings from God, and to give back based on what we have received. Stewardship is management of another’s property, and all our blessings and gifts we have been given ultimately belong to God. We are his caretakers, his priests, his stewards on this earth.

Q: How much do I need to pledge?

A: While 10% of household income is our Biblical principle, we also understand that families give to multiple charities/non-profits as well, so a half (5%) or quarter (2.5%) tithe can also be considered. Use the graph on the previous page to compare your household income to a percentage of giving that you can offer as stewards.

Q: What is the easiest way to fulfill my pledge?

A: The easiest way is online! Pledging and giving online is fast and EASY and is the preferred method for many of our families. Simply go to our website and click the GIVING button and this will take you to our online giving options. Under “Recurring Offering” select your stewardship offering, then click Subscribe. You can always call the church office for assistance in setting up easy recurring giving. Offerings can also be made by check, envelopes, or credit card payments, though these are not as convenient for you.

Q: When should I make my annual pledge?

A: We would ask you to turn in your commitment form by January 31st. Our church budget is based on our expected annual income and expenses. Forecasting stewardship in January helps meet our parish goals.

Q: I don’t like to fulfill my pledge until December. Should I still pledge in January?

A: Yes. January pledging allows for effective parish fiscal budgeting. Pledge your annual amount, then fulfill by giving weekly, monthly, semi-annually or annually.

Q: Why do I have to update my information every year?

A: We ask for updated information to provide you the opportunity to review your pledge for the upcoming year. As cost of living and inflation increases every year, so do parish expenses, and our giving to the Church needs to adjust accordingly. We anticipate automatic online giving to become the standard in order to simplify the process.

Q: Doesn’t the Greek Festival bring in most of the funding for the Church?

A: No. While our annual OC Greek Fest and OC Street Fair are good sources of funding, these actually account for less than 15% of the total revenue brought in each year. As is proper for an Orthodox Church, stewardship is our primary source of funding for church ministries and operating expenses, yet we have a long way to go. Ultimately, the goal is to have zero reliance on outside sources of funding, which would then make the Festival an outreach and community building opportunity, thus greatly alleviating the stress and dependency of these events.

Q: I already pay for Greek dance, Greek School, Basketball, etc. Why stewardship too?

A: These programs operate independently from the church operating budget. The church provides the facility in addition to expenses enabling their operation and receives no money from these organizations. It is also important to know that families participating in these ministries must be currently pledged stewards.

Q: If I donate to a memorial fund, building, festival, or event, does that count as part of my stewardship?

A: No. Your stewardship is represented entirely by your stated pledge and goes to support general operations.

Q: If I make a non-monetary donation to the Church, can this represent my stewardship?

A: No. Your stewardship pledge cannot be substituted for non-monetary donations. However, your various donations to the festival and the church are always greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.

Q: When should my children become Stewards?

A: As the principles of stewardship is that of sacrificial giving from what we have received, everyone is encouraged to become a “cheerful giver” as soon as one begins to generate his/her own income.

Q: What if I or my family experience a financial hardship or severe change in income?

A: Parishioners who are experiencing financial hardships and are unable to fulfill their stewardship obligation can always contact the church office to change their pledge amount with no effect on your standing. And, of course, you may always speak in confidence with our priest.

Update Stewardship Information

One-Time Offering

Choose this option for individual gifts to particular needs of the church. 


***Select "OTHER" for CANDLE or TRAY donations. 

For MEMORIAL Donations, please state

"Donation in memory of..." in the "Write a note" line

so your donation is correctly applied and recorded.***


Recurring Offering

For stewards of the parish and those who want to create a recurring payment for their Stewardship Pledge fill out below:

Payment Options: